
An Open Platform for All Players

With co-creation mechanisms, MetaCene hopes to achieve the co-creation of exteriors and gameplays, actualizing the infinite extension of game content. The MetaCene team also aspires to support players in building a developer community. Players can design original game images and character stories, and apply them to the game in the form of NFT, extending the game content infinitely and expanding the MetaCene worldview. Excellent creators can gain co-creation benefits, thereby motivating more players to participate in the co-creation initiative.

Exterior Co-Creation

MetaCene will provide players and creators with AIGC-empowered in-game editor features, allowing them to showcase their unique personalities through UGCs and reflect their creations on in-game assets.

Assets subject to appearance modification include player-owned weapons, buildings, clothing, vehicles, PFPs (Profile Picture), and more. By introducing external NFT skins, the content diversity of MetaCene will be gradually enriched. MetaCene hopes that the appearance co-creation function will provide players with a space to display and trade NFTs.

Appearance creators can profit from selling their works on major NFT trading platforms. Collectors can also profit from the appreciation of NFT works. In addition to every player’s rights to create unique skins and appearances, MetaCene Realms NFT holders can also co-create and co-build their game servers, including designing server-exclusive skins and modify in-game environments such as buildings and street scenes.

Creator Economy

MetaCene provides a unique NFT format for gameplay co-creation. MetaCene provides APIs that allow players to develop customized NPCs like Discord bots, which can be traded and used as NFTs. The scale of the co-creation system will expand with the continuous upgrading and iteration of MetaCene's co-creation tools. MetaCene's future game content will be infinitely extended based on gameplay co-creation.

Gameplay Co-Creation

The co-creation of gameplay includes:

  • In-game items in physical state, such as NPCs, props, in-game monsters, etc.

  • Game logic, such as game rules, NPC communications, item values, etc.

Content generated from gameplay co-creation will impact the eco-balance of the entire server, therefore they must be approved by the Senate of each server, which consists of Realms NFT holders. Realms NFT holders can participate in the server’s rule-setting and event designs, other players of the server will follow the rules and principles, and together build a MetaCene gaming world that truly belongs to the players.

Other examples of gameplay co-creation:

  • Mission Plot: The gameplay can generate a scene map, which contains NPCs with storylines. Players may create different types of gameplay, such as combat, puzzle solving, and business stimulation.

  • Competitive Games: Players can participate in various PKs. For example, as the poison circle shrinks, players are continuously centered, and the last player remaining will be rewarded.

  • Casual Games: Players can design casual games like football and racing;

  • Casino: Players can design various gambling games.

In-game Editors

MetaCene will include a web-based integrated development environment, which includes a script editor for logic scripting and an editor for the import and modification of 3D appearance models. Creators can edit their own codes in-game and run them on their own lands.

Limits of Gameplay Co-Creation

In order to prevent the co-creation from impacting the main gameplay and economy, the co-created content follows usage limitations. The co-created content must be placed on the player's own land for its internal logic to take effect. When a visible item is placed outside of private lands, it degrades into a co-created appearance item and loses its inherent logic and value. MetaCene encourages creators to operate co-created content directly on their own lands and make profits.

Creators can create appearance NFTs and honorable NFTs to reward other players as well. For example, if a player completes a certain plot, the creator of that plot may award a medal to the player. Creators may also reward players with NFT assets of unique values, such as an exclusive weapon that can only be used on its creator’s land.

Creator Benefits

Creators can charge for their co-created gameplay in $MUD, $MAK, and even their own NFT assets. The methods of charging include ticket sales, prop sales, and revenue sharing from content generation. Therefore, after creators purchase game items through "wholesale", they can retail them to other players through co-created gameplay. The premium is the creator's profit and one of the values ​​created by such gameplay.

External Content Integration

MetaCene allows external information to be embedded in the code of co-created content, thereby encouraging creators to innovate frameworks beyond the game itself and generate rich non-gaming content, such as weather forecasts, stock price queries, e-commerce, etc.

External Co-Creation and Collaboration

External co-creation refers to the secondary creation of MetaCene game content by players, KOLs, community members, and others, which is then showcased on various community and social media platforms. MetaCene plans to encourage and reward contributors to external co-creation through dedicated co-creation assets.

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