Community DAO Co-Governance

Achieving co-governance through community DAO is one of MetaCene’s core visions. MetaCene DAO co-governance is implemented in the form of smart contracts to ensure the governance rights of asset holders. MetaCene's DAO co-governance is divided into platform DAO governance and game server DAO governance.

MetaCene Platform DAO Governance

MetaCene platform DAO governance is implemented through the governance rights of $MAK. Its scope includes but is not limited to:

  • Platform DAO governance structure

  • Proposals and voting on decisions related to MetaCene games

  • Asset-related decision-makings: For example, whether the Apostle NFT equity will be increased, whether the Treasure Box prize pool should be expanded, etc.

Server DAO Governance

The DAO governance of each game server is implemented through Realms NFT and is managed by server senate and government.


Each server in MetaCene has its own senate to conduct democratic governance. Senators are elected by the Realms NFT holders of their respective servers. The more Realms NFTs a player or an organization holds, the more their votes weigh. The main responsibility of the senate is to elect the government and judges. Senators are elected by eligible players and have tenure. Senators can initiate proposals and submit them to the senate for voting. All elections and votes are publically on-chain. The main responsibility of the senate is to elect the government and judges.


Each server in the game can elect its own government by the senate. The government has tenure, and each server can have its own governance model. The government manages taxation, direct income, financial expenditure, rule-making, order maintenance and other procedures. Governance models can be diverse and the governance mechanism within each server may vary.

  • Taxation: The government can set different tax rates. The sources of tax revenue include commodity transactions, land sales, etc. The government may freely decide on how the tax is used, but all expenditures are traceable on-chain.

  • Police: The police have certain special permissions. The police department is selected from the players.

  • Service Department: They do not have special permissions. Their duties may include customer service, game guide, etc.

Governments of different game servers may design different management models based on their own governance concepts. For example, the government can encourage market prosperity with a low-tax model, or it can boost welfare with a high-tax model. Since players can enter different servers through World Island and on-chain assets can be transferred across servers through exchanges, the governments of the servers are in competition with each other. Such competition can promote better decision-making from the governments.

Last updated